The craft beer guys with the Chinese character, 京A, are pouring their new Urban Buzz Honey Ale with Shangrila Farms honey, alongside victuals from FatFace Dining and honey iced tea from Cha He, all served at Space by Yuanfen Flow, and with live music by The Hot Club of Beijing. Did we get everybody?
Shangrila Farms has been offering organic honey since 2010, and apparently, it turns into a tasty ale. Urban Buzz Honey Ale joins six other beers 京A currently has on tap at its brewing headquarters, The Big Smoke Bistro.
Even though it’s the same day as the Beijinger Burger Cup Launch Party, there’s probably enough time to stop by 798, taste the beer, and not miss out on all the burgers. The event is from 12-6pm, and costs RMB 200 per person. Sign up and pay here.
The 京A guys turned up in the Brewing Beijing video that was posted last week. You may need some, er, assistance, in order to view it.
Image: FatFace Dining