Like their American counterparts indicated in March, European businessmen in Beijing cite the city’s notoriously bad air as the #1 problem in attracting and retaining expatriate talent.

In an overwhelmingly pessimistic annual Business Confidence Survey released yesterday (download a free copy here), 68% of the European Chamber’s membership said air pollution hinders them from attracting talent, while 64% said that it makes staff retention difficult.

Though the survey polled members nationwide, deeper analysis showed that the Beijing contingent  (as well as Nanjing) cited air most often, far more frequently than members in the Pearl River Delta. Shanghai was slightly below the average.

Meanwhile, 27% of members said the air has resulted in increased HR costs, as companies have had to offer more incentives to attract and retain talent.

The survey also indicated that 2/3rds of member companies have taken steps to address their staff’s concern about pollution, though only 27% have cared enough to install office air purifiers. Meanwhile, 21% said they offer staff masks and 5% have implemented a work-from-home policy on days with heavy pollution.

To read more on what European Chamber members have to say about business in China, read the full survey report here.