Put yourself on the line: Western Academy of Beijing (WAB) and Tri4Change will host a sprint triathlon to raise money for WheelsPlusWings, a social enterprise dedicated to providing independent mobility to “differently-abled” young people, on May 17 at 7.30am.
The race will consist of a 400-meter pool swim, a ten-kilometer bike ride, followed by a three-kilometer run. Easy, right? Doable, yes? The entry fee is RMB 200 per individual or RMB 300 for a two-person team (both people run the full race).
WheelsPlusWings provides lightweight, sturdy wheelchairs to those young disabled people in China who not only show promise or talent in academic or other pursuits, but also lack their independent mobility, causing major impediment to further success. The group launched in the autumn of 2013, and most recently brought wheelchair moto-cross athlete Aaron Fotheringham to WAB, the International School of Beijing, and Harrow Beijing.
To register, sponsor, volunteer, or for more information, please contact the organizers.
Photo: Triathlon Training Is Fun