Back with Mr Whelan at RTHK Radio 3 yesterday…

RTHK Radio 3 - April 2014

Phil and I had a good old chat about how Wanchai’s finest are the toast of immigration agencies worldwide yesterday and also a discussion on how things are tightening up down at Immigration Tower.

You can listen to our complete discussion here.

Phil’s dulcet tones, great interviewing technique and blend of listen-worthy tunes can be found every day here on his Morning Brew Facebook page which I recommend you check out and Like.

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Can the company you have just left contact immigration & make your visa expire immediately?

Is there such an animal as a ‘flexible working visa’ for Hong Kong?

Will my Hong Kong employment visa be compromised if I leave my job due to intolerable working conditions?

Can I use the impending expiry of my Hong Kong work visa as a way to force the early termination of my employment contract?

How can I prove to the Hong Kong Immigration Department my last day of work for my previous employer as part of my change of employment visa sponsorship application?

Does the Hong Kong employment visa change of sponsorship process expressly disclose to my new employer the reason for me leaving my previous job?