We don’t study our pizza boxes while dining the same way we look at cereal boxes, but SURGE Art and Gung Ho! Pizza hope to change that during April.

This week, the pair released the fourth of four designer pizza boxes, coinciding with “Pizza Box Request Line” day, where customers could not only order their favorite pizzas, but also request unique art on the packaging. Requests including a punk-rock horse in a leather jacket, an aviator in a propeller plane, and abstract prisms, SURGE said.

SURGE artists Kang Haoxian, Zhang Zhanzhan, Wu Lidan, and duo Meng Jin and Fang Er, each created one unique design, all four of which will only be available from Gung Ho! deliveries until the end of April. All four designs represent spring, and is Gung Ho!’s latest use of art in its delivery materials that began with the Feeding Starving Artist project in March 2011.

Watch an interview with SURGE artist Zhang Zhanzhan below.