Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan both return for the second installment of Karate Kid, about a young Beijing transplant from Detroit figuring (fighting) out how to survive on the mean streets of Beijing. The original movie wasn’t all that bad. I remember watching it after first coming to Beijing, and even though I wasn’t being tormented by rich bullies in a Chaoyang middle school, I could relate to Dre Parker’s (Jaden Smith) process of adapting to living in a new country. The sequel will be directed by Breck Eisner, the “mastermind” behind Sahara and The Crazies. I wish there was a better director involved. Richard Linklater would be perfect, but my guess is that Jaden is a little toxic after last year’s After Earth which saw him named worst actor at this year’s Razzies.
Currently, Captain America: Winter Soldier is China’s number one film. So far it has collected upwards of RMB 240 million. This is the second movie, not counting The Avengers, in the Captain America franchise. From what I’ve been reading this one does a more successful job than the first and actually explores some interesting themes of cyber terror and the new world order conspiracy network, plus Scarlett Johansson is getting more face time and character development, which is never a bad thing.
At the 2014 China Film Directors’ Guild Awards, the jury refused to hand out the award for best picture or best director, because the guild thought that the level of artistic quality present at the ceremony was not worthy of being honored. According to Feng Xiaogang “China needs to get back its art. Right now, we don’t need to pat ourselves on the back, we need to set a higher standard.” Many believe this is due to the absence of Jia Zhangke’s A Touch of Sin from the ballot. They said its failure to pass censorship by the time of submissions caused it to be withdrawn from the running. This protest of the awards aligns with previous statements made by Feng Xiaogang on how there needs to be more freedom to create films and less censorship so that China has a Chance in competing in the world market. Awarding mediocre films will only breed more mediocrity.
More entertainment events:
L’enfer d’Henri-Georges Clouzot (2009)* Directed by Serge Bromberg at The Other Place on April 13
Monstrous Mondays Presents The Hills Have Eyes at 69 Cafe on April 14
Gimme Shelter (Rolling Stones Documentary) at Dada on April 14
Photos: kalafudra.files, gmanews, luzphoto