Beijing is a great city for plannning events, whether it be parties, live music, community gatherings, or film screenings. The unfortionate reality is that probably nobody will come if your poster sucks. Local art gurus Atelier are providing a two day workshop this holiday weekend on how to design your own posters, logos, and greeting cards.
This can be especially helpful if you are a business owner and want more control over your advertisements, food or drink menus, or creating a particular aesthetic for your brand.The class will provide you with the basics of graphic design, through tools such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop as well as how to print your creations manually or digitally.
The workshop will be held this Saturday, Apr 5 and Monday, Apr 7, and don’t forget to bring your own computer. Check out the Atelier website for more info here.
More community events this week:
- FCCC Happy Hour at the Bookworm on Apr 3
- Qing Ming Kites at The Schoolhouse on Apr 5
- ADRF Volunteer Recruitment Session at Peking University on Apr 5
Photo: Atelier