The best of the best of local designers, vintage second-hand garb enthusiasts and craft hawkers will get out to Dada’s Vintage Market on Saturday from 2-8pm to display all of their one-of-a-kind items for the style hungry people of Beijing. This seems to be the season for these types of market events so if you missed out on last weekend’s JUE Market, this one will be equally epic in the fashion department. Here is a pic of Dada boss Michael Ohlsson’s latest find from one of the vendors that will be there on Saturday.
If you don’t know anything about 3D printing you are about to get your mind blown about the potential of this up and coming technology. Every month this group has a round table discussion about the future of the medium. This Saturday at 8pm they will be examining the potential fashion and design applications of 3D printing with award-winning industrial designer Pekka Salokannel. He is in town for the 360 Fashion & Technology Exhibition where he will be showcasing his 3D-printed fashion accessories and designs, including eyewear and jewelry.
More community events happening this week:
- MAP 2014 Photography Competition
- Kooka Networking- AustCham and New Zealand Silver Ball Launch on Mar 28 at Aria
- Schoolhouse Orchard Tour and Tasting
Photos: freedomofcreation, travelettes, Michael Ohlsson