Despite the delay, the JUE Market will be happening this weekend. Now in its third year, JUE Market brings together vendors selling everything from creative handicrafts to this year’s newest fashions, along with a variety of interactive artworks, installations, film screenings, mouth-watering food and drink, and musical guests performing throughout the day. Here are some pics from last year and check out their website for more info.

Whether it’s a live body painting demonstration or talented musicians jamming together on stage, JUE Market has always been one of the highlights of the festival. So get over this Saturday and welcome springtime to Beijing with the act of intimate local commerce. The market begins at 11am at Face Bar, so get there early to snag all the best items and be the envy of all your friends. 

In film news, Zhang Yimou is in talks to direct Great Wall. Originally planned on being a sci-fi, horror flick where instead of keeping out Mongolians, the wall was created to block zombies or demonic warlords or something of the like, and would have starred Henry Cavill as a British soldier traveling through 15th century China. How dare Hollywood for trying to “Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter-ize” our beloved fortification! Hopefully, Zhang Yimou has a better idea for realizing this project, but only time will tell with Legendary Pictures at the wheel of this production. 

Here are some excellent events to keep you entertained this week:

Photos: hollywoodreporterjuefestival