The masses have spoken and its pretty much unanimous: Temple Restaurant Beijing remains the city’s top restaurant with its 9 wins in the Beijinger’s 11th Annual Reader Restaurant Awards, announced Monday at the Conrad Beijing.

With a chart-topping 9 awards (every one of them a “Best”), TRB seems an unstoppable force in fine fining in our fair city. Despite (or perhaps because of) its obscure location in a long-disused temple, TRB won your hearts in so many ways, including Restaurant of the Year, Best for Impressing Visitors and Personality of the Year. It’s hard not to recognize it as the cream of the crop.

That’s not to say that TRB is the only place in town to dine — au contraire, other spots with mulitple wins in 2014 include Mosto, Capital M and Da Dong on the fine dining end of things, and Home Plate, Annie’s, Moka Bros and Great Leap on the more casual end.

For those of you counting at home, here’s a list of all the multiple-award winners in the 2014 Reader Restaurant Awards, ranked by number of awards won. You really can’t go wrong at any of them — and if you haven’t been to all of them, can you really call yourself a Beijinger?

Temple Restaurant Beijing (9 awards, all Best)
Best Restaurant of the Year (Non-Chinese, Fine Dining)
Best Restaurant Personality (Ignace Lecleir)
Best for a Romantic Meal
Best Value for Money (Fine Dining)
Best French (Fine Dining)
Best for Impressing Visitors
Best Wine List
Best Service (Non-Chinese Cuisine)
Best Place for a Celebration (Fine Dining)

Mosto (8 awards, 3 Best)
Best Steak (Fine Dining)
Best Business Lunch
Best Chef (Daniel Urdaneta)
Outstanding Value for Money (Fine Dining)
Outstanding Restaurant of the Year (Non-Chinese, Fine Dining)
Outstanding Wine List
Outstanding Place for a Celebration (Fine Dining)
Outstanding Personality (Alex Molina) 

Home Plate Bar-B-Que (7 awards, 4 Best)
Best Value for Money
Best American
Best Wings
Restaurant of the Year (Non-Chinese, Casual Dining)
Outstanding Place for a Celebration (Casual Dining)
Outstanding New Restaurant (Sanlitun Location) (Non-Chinese, Casual Dining)
Outstanding Personality (Seth Grossman)

Annie’s (6 awards, 2 Best)
Best Delivery
Best Italian (Casual Dining)
Outstanding Value for Money (Casual Dining)
Outstanding Pizza
Outstanding Salads
Outstanding Restaurant of the Year (Non-Chinese, Casual Dining)

Capital M (6 awards, 1 Best)
Best Outdoor Dining
Outstanding for a Romantic Meal
Outstanding French (Fine Dining)
Outstanding Restaurant of the Year (Non-Chinese, Fine Dining)
Outstanding for Impressing Visitors
Outstanding Service (Non-Chinese Cuisine)
Outstanding    Place for a Celebration (Fine Dining)

Da Dong Roast Duck (5 awards, 3 Best)
Best Restaurant of the Year (Chinese cuisine)
Best Beijing Duck (Fine Dining)
Best Service (Chinese cuisine)
Outstanding Chef (Dong Zhenxiang)   
Outstanding for Impressing Visitors

Moka Bros (5 awards, 3 Best)
Best New Restaurant (Non-Chinese, Casual Dining)
Best Chef (Daniel Urdaneta)
Best Café
Outstanding Salads
Outstanding Personality (Alex Molina)

Great Leap Brewpub (5 awards, 1 Best)
Best Place for a Celebration (Casual Dining)
Outstanding Value for Money (Casual Dining)
Outstanding New Restaurant (Non-Chinese, Casual Dining)
Outstanding American
Outstanding Wings

Element Fresh (4 awards, 2 Best)
Best Salads
Best Western Breakfast
Outstanding Sandwiches
Outstanding Business Lunch

Brasserie Flo (4 awards)
Outstanding for a Romantic Meal
Outstanding Value for Money (Fine Dining)
Outstanding French (Fine Dining)
Outstanding Service (Non-Chinese Cuisine)

Opera Bombana (3 awards, 2 Best)
Best Italian (Fine Dining)
Best New Restaurant (Non-Chinese, Fine Dining)
Outstanding Chef (Marino D’Antonio)

O’Steak (3 awards, 1 Best)
Best Steak (Casual Dining)
Outstanding New Restaurant (Non-Chinese, Casual Dining)
Outstanding French (Casual Dining)

Hatsune (2 awards, 1 Best)
Best Japanese
Outstanding Business Lunch

La Pizza (2 awards, 1 Best)
Best Pizza
Outstanding Italian (Casual Dining)

Modo (2 awards, 1 Best)
Outstanding Personality (Alex Molina)
Best Chef (Daniel Urdaneta)

Blue Frog (2 awards)
Outstanding American
Outstanding Outdoor Dining

Dali Courtyard (2 awards)
Outstanding Yunnan
Outstanding Outdoor Dining

Duck de Chine (2 awards)
Outstanding Restaurant of the Year (Chinese cuisine)
Outstanding Beijing Duck (Fine Dining)

Gung Ho! Gourmet Pizza Factory (2 awards)
Outstanding Delivery
Outstanding Pizza

Made in China, Grand Hyatt (2 awards)
Outstanding Service (Chinese cuisine)
Outstanding Beijing Duck (Fine Dining)

Mercante (2 awards)
Outstanding Italian (Casual Dining)
Outstanding Restaurant of the Year (Non-Chinese, Casual Dining)

Pinotage (2 awards)
Outstanding New Restaurant (Sanlitun location) (Non-Chinese, Fine Dining)
Outstanding Wine List

The Rug (2 awards)
Outstanding Café
Outstanding Western Breakfast

Transit (2 awards)
Outstanding Sichuan
Outstanding Restaurant of the Year (Chinese cuisine)

Union Bar and Grille (2 awards)
Outstanding Steak (Casual Dining)
Outstanding Wings

Vineyard Cafe (2 awards)
Outstanding Café
Outstanding Western Breakfast

For the complete list of winners in the Beijinger’s 2014 Reader Restaurant Awards, see this post.

Picture: Beijinger