It’s almost 5pm on Oct 31. The parties are already starting and you still don’t have a costume? Get with the program, people! The time for costume shopping has passed and that Taobao package ain’t coming through that door, so you’re just going to have to make do with what’s around.
Here’s a few quick-and-dirty costume ideas that might just save you from the scorn of your fellow Halloweeners tonight (not to mention the eternal shame as you look back on photos of tonight’s festivities with you in your street clothes).
1. [Your name] in a Box: If you have a big cardboard box at home, cut a big hole in the bottom for your head, a hole on either side for your arms. Stick white paper over it, and to make it clearer, write something clever on it — like [insert your name here] in a Box or Jack in the Box on it. Add some scary make up for some final touches.
2. Dobby: You’ve certainly got a white pillowcase or sheet at home, yes? Cut it up so you can tie the ends on each shoulder. Combine that with some brown boots and cardboard elf ears attached to a headband (or your own ears, via a rubber band). Assume and a slightly woeful face – and VIOLA you have Dobby the house-elf. Extra bonus if your sheets are already filthy (or get that way as the night goes on).
3. Pirate: Loose white shirt, black jeans/leggings, a dark scarf tied around your head and a pair of dark boots will make anyone a pirate. An eye patch, if not easily available at your local 7-Eleven Halloween essentials display, can be quickly fashioned out of a circular piece of black fabric with a thread strung through it. If you’re looking to win a costume competition, you could make a little pirate flag by drawing the classic skulls and bones on a piece of paper and attaching it to a chopstick. And don’t forget to go big on the eyeliner for the full Johnny Depp effect.
4. Cheerleader: This one either makes you adorable (if you’re a woman) or super creepy (if you’re a man). Put on a crop top (preferably white) or some sort of sporty top and a skirt (preferably short and flared). Shred some pieces of paper and tie one end with a hair tie to make pom poms. Use a piece of ribbon or string to tie your hair into a high ponytail (or two) and for some extra scare factor, draw some flake blood traces on your body/face. One great thing about this costume is that you can go out in sneakers and save yourself from the hours of painful dancing in heels.
5. Beijing’s Air If you’re looking for something a bit more local – print out a screenshot of any pollution monitoring app, paste it on a t-shirt (preferably grey), and wear your mask. You’re pollution.
6. The Fox: And if you’re REALLY stuck, put on a grey/white/silver shirt, some cat ears/make some cat ears (again, cardboard or what’s available at the convenience story), and draw a black nose and a white patch with spots above your lip. When someone asks you what you are, just let loose with: Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding– because that’s what the fox says.
Jasmine Lynn is the Beijinger’s Wudaokou correspondent. Got a hot tip of something going on out that way — a new restaurant opening, a great bar or a hot event? Let her know via email here.